Amelia Marriette
Jan 11, 20237 min read
So, you want to quit writing? You can quit it, but it won't quit you!
Does good news eventually come if you are a writer? Yes! Walking into Alchemy is now in the top 100 in the Fitness Through Walking category
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Amelia Marriette
Aug 13, 20222 min read
Do you live in Malvern? Are you looking for something fun to do this Bank Holiday Sunday? UPDATE:
Well, look no further! Come along to my free to attend Book Reading/Signing for Walking into Alchemy. I will be visiting the UK for a few...
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Amelia Marriette
Apr 24, 20212 min read
Alchemie des Gehens - startnext.com
(auf Deutsch) Unsere Startnext-Kampagne ist geöffnet! Ich möchte mein erfolgreiches Buch Walking into Alchemy als deutsche Ausgabe...
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Amelia Marriette
Feb 1, 20214 min read
How much do we know about RAF Klagenfurt in Kaernten, Austria? Introducing my next book.
I was a curator working in a museum in South Devon in the UK; this was my dream job. Suddenly, the local council made my job redundant...
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Amelia Marriette
Jan 17, 20212 min read
Where can I walk in the footsteps of Gustav Holst?
My article about the Gustav Holst Way appears in the January 2021 edition of Cotswold Life Magazine – you still have time to grab a copy!...
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