Amelia Marriette
Jan 3, 202310 min read
Can walking help your brain? Can you walk into happiness?
Before I lost my job, I was flying high. I was working as a Keeper of Art in a museum negotiating with the Tate Britain and the Arts...

Amelia Marriette
Dec 30, 20223 min read
How can one day of walking in the snow be so blissful?
Like all children from 3 to 83, I wanted snow at Christmas, but we did not get any. A few days before Christmas, however, we had a...
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Amelia Marriette
Apr 20, 20224 min read
The First World Book Day in Austria
The First World Book Day in Wolfsberg On the 23rd of April, the city council in Wolfsberg will be hosting the first World Book Day on the...
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Amelia Marriette
Jan 11, 20224 min read
Meet Leigh Turner, the Former British Ambassador to Austria - AKA Robert Pimm.
In 2020 I wrote a blog asking how many previous lives have you had? I wrote this partly because I am a firm believer in the concept and...
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Amelia Marriette
Dec 18, 20215 min read
Is Walking Boring? Written by my Guest Blogger - Sabrina Balin.
Over the past few years, I have grown to like blogging. I collect ideas and images, think about what may interest my readers, and jot my...
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Amelia Marriette
Oct 10, 20213 min read
What a difference a step makes. Walking in the Mountains or at Work - are all steps the same?
I usually walk the designated 10,000 steps a day either in my garden or in the hills and mountains of Southern Austria, where I now live....
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Amelia Marriette
Jun 14, 20213 min read
Is Crowdfunding for the brave? + Free Online Talk about Walking into Alchemy
This is just a little update about the crowdfunding campaign that we began working on in January and launched in April. We launched our...
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Amelia Marriette
May 12, 20215 min read
What did Shakespeare know about Mental Health?
"There is a willow grows aslant a brook." Shakespeare, Nature and Mental Health By Amelia Marriette As the weather begins to improve and...
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Amelia Marriette
Feb 1, 20214 min read
How much do we know about RAF Klagenfurt in Kaernten, Austria? Introducing my next book.
I was a curator working in a museum in South Devon in the UK; this was my dream job. Suddenly, the local council made my job redundant...
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Amelia Marriette
Jan 17, 20212 min read
Where can I walk in the footsteps of Gustav Holst?
My article about the Gustav Holst Way appears in the January 2021 edition of Cotswold Life Magazine – you still have time to grab a copy!...
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Amelia Marriette
Jan 4, 20218 min read
What does Walking into Alchemy mean? And What is Spiritual Alchemy?
Full many a glorious morning have I seen Flatter the mountain tops with sovereign eye, Kissing with golden face the meadows green,...
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Amelia Marriette
Nov 17, 20204 min read
Is Renaissance poetry still relevant? The Day that John Donne jumped out at me
Hello, my name is Amelia Marriette, and I am a walker. I freely admit it. I am addicted, and there seems to be no cure. Much of my life...
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